Untere Kaiserstr. 88 - 66386 St. Ingbert/Rentrisch +49 6894 9 66 88 00 info@zumkulturhaus.de

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    UiKit 3 Grid

    Compatible with mit:Joomla 3.9.x & Joomla 4

    Create a fully responsive, fluid and nestable grid layout with Filter function. The Grid system of UIkit allows you to arrange block elements in columns. It works closely together with the Width component to determine how much space of the container each item will take up, and it can also be combined with the Flex component to align and order grid items.



    Unsere Öffnungszeiten sind:

    Montags Ruhetag
    Di., Mi., Do., Fr.: 11:00 – 14:00 Uhr & 17:00 – 0.00 Uhr
    Sa.: 17:00 – 0.00 Uhr
    So.: 11:00 – 16:00 Uhr - abends geschlossen


    Zum Kulturhaus
    Untere Kaiserstraße 88
    66386 St. Ingbert/Rentrisch

    06894 9 66 88 00